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Polynesian Ancient Healing Lomi Lomi

Lomilomi is an ancient Polynesian spiritual massage that is based on the philosophy and principles of huna and how it relates to our bodies, mind, and spiritual wellbeing. Huna is a broad spectrum of spiritual practices that includes, yet surpasses philosophies, teachings and bodywork techniques that bring about harmony and healing to all aspects of our lives.

This powerful healing therapy is highly instinctive and intuitive. Each session gets created according to the flow of energies and healing intentions between the practitioner and the client.

Lomi is a modality that when is practiced by a practitioner who is aligned and connected with herself and the ancient teachings, can bring about a state of calm, tranquility, and balance within the core of our existence, which then paves the way for a life that is lived fully and harmoniously.

Lomilomi commences with the stillness and profound quietness and connection that gets stablished between the client, the practitioner and the universal life force which leads to an inner journey into the depth of our core and truth.

A Lomi session can incorporate methods that go beyond traditional massage therapy, such as meditation, breathing exercises, energy healing, and herbal remedies.

The free flowing and elongated movement of this amazing modality improves circulation, immune responses, range of motion, slower heart rate and lowers the blood pressure and generally helps the client to achieve a state of calm and tranquility. It is very important to understand that the practitioner is the facilitator and the conduit for healing and what gets created ultimately depends on the openness and the willingness of the client to set the intention and then let go within the flow of the session and trust the process.

It is said that Lomi Lomi Healing is infused with Mana, the life energy, and vitality that is coming from the sacred Islands of Hawaii that connects us to our power that resides within. I strongly recommend that you try this amazing massage modality for yourself to feel its effects within your core.

For further information please refer to and to book your appointment please email me at

Mahalo Nui and many blessings to all,



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