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Lomilomi and the Sacred Space

Back in those days when I started Practicing Lomilomi, I really did not know how to get the word across to others, and If I should present it as a massage or a spiritual healing modality.

When I started, I was clueless about the underground human trafficking and the unfortunate misconception which is attached towards massage. I used to get many clients who visited me for all the wrong reasons, and it was very disheartening and disappointing to be confronted with the shadows of the society we live in. Of course, politely I had to clear my space from the intruders and send out clear messages to the universe to manifest and invite those who their intentions are in synch with the sacredness of this healing modality.

I woke up to a rude awakening that I need to draw clear boundaries to protect my space and the sacredness of this amazing work. I was shown by the seen and unseen sages, healers, and helper of the Polynesian civilization on how to set these protective boundaries. I can say practicing this modality and healing others is also assisting me to dig deeper into my own psyche and pour the sacred medicine of this ancient healing on those invisible wounds of my own childhood and past lives as well.

The sessions, depending on each client and their needs, are now a combination of Compassionate listening, Spiritual Guidance, Chakra Balancing, Energy Clearing, Breathwork, Bodywork and sometimes Soul Retrieval, Trauma/Inner Child Healing and Cord Cutting.

Most of my clients are interested in profound and spiritual healing rather than a quick fix and momentary relaxation. These modalities certainly provide profound relaxation and calming effects, yet they also dig deeper into our psyche and can go as far as healing our childhood wounds and traumas, of course, if the person is willing to and is ready for such a multi dimensional transformational healing.

Those clients who commit to regular sessions and also work independently on their healing, show amazing improvements in their physical, psychological, and spiritual health and well-being.

If you decide to book your sessions with me, please keep in mind that Lomilomi sessions take min of 2 hours and sometimes the sessions can take up to 5 hours, depending on the needs and the situation of each person.

I am here to assist you on your healing journey and looking forwards to meeting you in this sacred space of transformational healing and divinity.

Mahalo Nui,




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